Our Survey Department serves all facets of the built environment - putting both training and talent to work on our clients' projects.
Our Professional Land Surveyors have over 50 years of combined surveying experience. Acting as technical leads on your project, they're constantly brainstorming solutions and applying seasoned
judgment to project obstacles.
They put technology to work so you can get land use entitlements submitted before a costly code change, stay ahead of construction and keep your heavy machinery rolling.
Our staff isn't limited to plats; you're just as likely to find our surveyors staking critical infrastructure projects or monitoring sensitive environmental sites.
DMP's survey specialties include:
• ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys
• Topographic Surveys
• Boundary Surveys
• Utility As-Built Surveys
• Subdivisions & Boundary Line Adjustments
• Construction Staking
• Horizontal and Vertical Control Surveys
• Legal Description Preparation